A: A whopping 18.1 pounds
G: A whopping 18.7 pounds
I swore they were both in the twenty pound range but I was wrong. They continue to feel heavier every day! My biceps are amazing considering I rarely have time to work out. I guess one benefit to twins is having evenly sized biceps from holding two babies!
A: 27 1/4 inches
G: 29 inches
Clothing size- They are both still wearing their 6-12 month clothes. They fit best in 9 month clothes. We have begun to venture into the 12 month clothes but some brands are just too big.
Size 3
We were given the go ahead to switch to cow’s milk. Both babies took to it like champs and it didn’t seem to faze them. I kind of expected this as they have loved all forms of food thus far. They haven’t quite grasped the idea of tipping up a sippy cup so we are trying different ones out. For now most milk is still sipped through a bottle. I hope to get rid of them (tear) over the next month or so.
They did get to try a few sweets for the first time within the last month. On Valentine’s Day they each got to have a sugar cookie. I gave it to them expecting they would take a couple of bites and that would be it. Oh no, Miss Avery was in love and ate almost half the cookie. And of course they dove into their first smash cake on their birthday! More to come on that.

Here we are again with a little cold. It seemed to hit Kevin and I worse than the babies but they are definitely stuffy and not sleeping as well. Outside of sickness they are still amazing little sleepers. They sleep from approximately 7:30pm to 6:30am every night. They are both taking two naps. Although, Avery might be phasing out her morning nap as she skips it some days.
Personality & Fun Stuff-
He giggles all the time at Ellie. He thinks she is the funniest thing. He also pulls at her and goes for her any chance he gets. He loves to open and shut doors, cabinets and drawers. Because of this our house has now been outfitted with lots of fun “child” proofing items.
He loves balls, toys that make noise, and balloons! We found out after his birthday party how much he loves mylar balloons. Every time we would walk in the room after he got them he would point at the balloons and want to go straight for them. They would keep him entertained for a very long time. Speaking of pointing, he points at everything, lights, airplanes, dogs, us, you name it, he points. His vocabulary seems to be growing as well. He says dada, duh-e (doggie), and eh-e (Ellie). He seems to constantly be talking. Not always sure what about but he loves to babble through the day.
Avery still hasn’t quite figured out the art of crawling, but hold her little fingers and she takes off practically running. It’s only a matter of time before this little girl is walking. She has figured out that her brother can get to anything he wants to on his own and this has begun to frustrate her. She has started grunting at us when she wants us to take her to something or hold her fingers so she can walk to it. With that I feel it might be easier when she gets the concept of moving on her own. I may eat my words on that one. She just doesn’t seem to have any interest in crawling. When we work with her and place her on all fours she collapses as if she has no muscles and then starts fussing at us.
The girl is still an eater. However, she has gotten a little pickier about what she wants to eat sometimes. She will leave things on her tray where before she would sit until her entire tray was empty.
She loves jewelry and anything that makes music. She absolutely loves to dance. As soon as she hears music her little legs start kicking and her head starts bouncing. If she’s stand up she will bounce up and down. It is the cutest thing. Her favorite song for some reason is Some Nights by FUN. Good thing she doesn’t understand all of the words yet.
She has recently begun babbling away just like her brother but her only real word is dada. She loves to say, doi doi doi. I’m not really sure what it means but she certainly loves the sound of it. She seems to do a lot of observing. I think this is going to be one smart little girl. I can see the wheels turning. If only I knew what she was thinking?
12 Month Photo Shoot:
This is how amazing the difference a year can make in the lives to two sweet little preemies!
They LOVE riding around outside in their cozy coupes
In sum, we have two very different, very special little babies on our hands. Can I still call them babies? They create so much happiness for their daddy and I and we can’t wait to see where this next year will take us. If only I could figure out how to slow the time a little!
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